Saturday, March 28, 2009


Hmp.Today just feel like want to update my blog again, suddenly i miss breakdancing so much,its been while i didnt dance..i just love breakdance so much, but it takes time to train back all those skill. Currently my bone is quite stiff dy compare to last time and i think i loss my strength n some balancing as well..haizzz..juz wish someday i can get back to breakdance again...

yoyo~~~~~~~ let's break guys!!!

Like this!!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Pictures from Boscastle

woop..finally those pics are here.hehe.sorry, didnt hv time to upload it for the past two weeks, kinda busy with my courseworks..><

We are going to the top of the cliff..see tat?
River Jordan.
steep and narrow valley..
at the cliff.
Did u see the green arrow at the gutter part of the white bulding? tat's the flood!! exactly!

Love the sea n cold there..

Random pose..actually im not ready yet..haha

Clifford is trying to experience how cold is the weather there...

Me, Robin and James

This pic looks like im standing on the sea la..-_-''

Actually we are at the top of the cliff edy....

Trying to be cool...:p
So, tat's all for the pictures,nice or not???hmp...2 more weeks to go then we have easter break for about 3 weeks, after that will be our final fast,is the end of stage 2. Recently i just keep on doing my courseworks and will due on next friday.gonna get it done soon!!!grrrrr..alrite,tat's all from me..nth much to bored!!!!!><

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Site visit to Boscastle...@@

Today we had a site visit to Boscastle which is a small village used to have a serious flooding on 2004. we depart on 9.15 and arrive at 10.30 i guess, so is about one and a half hour. I dont know why this time im so uncomfortable when sitting in the bus for an hour sth, feel like abit dizzy n wanna vomid man. Last time when i came to Plymouth I have to sit 4 hours coach from airport and i feel nth, or maybe is quite a long time i didnt use car edy or wat?? oh man, still got one site visit to go during easter break ler..

Well, we did took lotz of photo during the visit but hvnt upload yet.will be uploading soon. Boscastle is really a small village and located quite deep and below the mountain n cliff again,no wonder when there is a serious heavy rain will cause such a BIG FLOOD, the flood almost cover the whole village. Besides the history of flooding, nth much interesting bout the village actually except there have a really nice view to the sea which can be seen at the top of cliff. it is so pretty!! i love the cliff and sea so much..ha time when the pic is uploaded then u know..

So, we went back at 1pm.oh man!! hv to use the bus again arhh..this time also the same.even dizzy,luckily i able to hold it till back to Plymouth. I just cant undertstand,i never have carsick before, but why this time?????!!!! issh!

Time flies~~ 2 more months to go im goin to sit for my final exam, my stage 2 BEng will end on 21st of May then i still got 3 weeks to go before i back to kch which is on 10 of june.hehe..PK is return!!! haha..hmp.currently i got 4 courseworks on goin till easter break, but luckily there is no more in-class test just hv to spend the time on completing those assignment! one more thing to report in my blog is few days ago i receive sms from my sis at SG, she told me i can work as trainee at her company during summer holiday on july..yeah!! time to gain some work experience at site!!!!!!

Stop rite here..chaoz!! ^^